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sway apps and scripts

Here is a list of apps and scripts for swaywm .

Note that pretty much all GTK and KDE apps such as firefox, thunderbird, chromium, even emacs (with the gtk-emacs branch) can be run as native wayland under sway so I'm not going to list them here.

Log-in managers

I don't use these myself so I'm relying on reports on r/swaywm

greetd a minimal and flexible login manager daemon
emptty Dead simple CLI Display Manager on TTY
Ly a lightweight TUI (ncurses-like) display manager


Generic launchers for GTK or KDE such as xfce4-appfinder and krunner work fine but the following were written with sway in mind:

lavalauncher simple launcher for Wayland
sgtk-menu app launcher
nwg-launchers app launcher
Ulauncher app launcher
wldash A dashboard/launcher/control-panel thing for Wayland
yofi minimalistic application launcher for wayland
gmenu Desktop application launcher
wofi A rofi inspired menu and launcher for wlroots compositors
bemenu dmenu replacement with Wayland support
wlogout A wayland based logout menu wlogout
wayland fork of rofi fork of Rofi with added support for Wayland
dmenu-wl an efficient dynamic menu for wayland (wlroots).


wlr-sunclock sunclock for the root window
wob A lightweight overlay volume/backlight/progress/anything bar for Wayland.
mywob autostarts wob(1)
wdisplays GUI display configurator for wlroots compositors [like arandr(1)]
wlr-randr manage outputs of a Wayland compositor.
mako A lightweight notification daemon for Wayland.
kanshi define output profiles that are automatically enabled and disabled on hotplug. eg, this can be used to turn a laptop's internal screen off when docked.
autotiling switch the layout splith/splitv depending on the currently focused window dimensions.
persway a simple sway ipc daemon


brightnessctl control device brightness
light control backlights
clight a C user daemon utility that aims to fully manage your display


workstyle dynamically rename your workspaces to indicate which programs are running in each one. automatically renames workspace title


grim grab images from a Wayland compositor
slurp select a region in a Wayland compositor
swappy screen snapshot & editor
swayshot Print screen helper for sway adds keyboard shortcuts for screenshots
shotman simple UI for handling screenshots.


wl-gammactl Small GTK GUI application to set contrast, brightness and gamma
gammastep Adjust the color temperature of your screen
wlsunset Day/night gamma adjustments for Wayland


swaybg Wallpaper tool for Wayland compositors
azote Wallpaper and colour manager for Sway, i3 and some other WMs
wallutils wallpaper manager


i3status Status bar generator for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs
i3blocks A feed generator for text based status bars (yes - it works fine with swaybar!
waybar Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway
yambar is a lightweight and configurable status panel
gopsuinfo prints system usage information in a single line, for use with text-based panels like Waybar or polybar
i3status-rs a feature-rich and resource-friendly replacement for i3status, written in pure Rust. It provides a way to display “blocks” of system information (time, battery status, volume, etc) on the i3 bar. It is also compatible with sway.


wev event debugging similar to xev for X11
wshowkeys display keypresses
ydotool Generic command-line automation tool (no X!) [like xdotool(1)]
clipman A basic clipboard manager for Wayland, with support for persisting copy buffers after an application exits.
wl-clipboard Wayland clipboard utilities, wl-copy and wl-paste, to copy data between the clipboard and Unix pipes, sockets, files etc
wl-clipboard-history Wayland clipboard history tracker
swaykbdd per-window keyboard layout for Sway
i3keys lists all the keys that are bound to some action in i3 or sway
swaynagmode programmatic control over swaynag, intended for use with keyboard bindings
sway-alttab simple daemon that keeps track of your last focused window and switches to it on receiving a SIGUSR1. Automatically binds Alt-Tab to the same action.
wlrctl command line utility for miscellaneous wlroots Wayland extensions (similar to xdotool). WARNING: requires sway-1.6+


swayidle An idle daemon for wayland compositors
swaylock a screen locking utility for Wayland compositors
Waylock a simple screenlocker for wayland compositors.
swaylock-effects a fork of swaylock which adds built-in screenshots and image manipulation effects like blurring
mylock configure swaylock for various use-cases - safe, at-home, movie modes plus auto downloading of images


Alacritty A fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator
foot A fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator
gnome-terminal gnome's terminal
kitty fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator
Konsole KDE's Terminal Emulator
sakura Simple but powerful libvte based terminal emulator
termite A keyboard-centric VTE-based terminal, aimed at use within a window manager with tiling and/or tabbing support.
roxterm terminal emulator intended to provide similar features to gnome-terminal, based on the same VTE library


See also: Screencast-Compatibility

wayvnc VNC server for wlroots
waypipe waypipe is a proxy for Wayland[0] clients. This makes application forwarding similar to ssh -X [1] feasible.
wf-recorder Screen recorder for wlroots-based compositors eg swaywm
obs-studio capturing, compositing, encoding, recording, and streaming video content, efficiently (see wlrobs)
wlrobs obs-studio plugin that allows you to screen capture on wlroots based wayland compositors
obs-gnome-screencast Small source plugin to use GNOME Screen Cast functionality as a source for OBS Studio
green-recorder simple desktop recorder for Linux systems

Misc. Scripts

(mostly my own at present)

Name Description
sway-fit-floats fits floating windows into workspace
sway-focus focus an app by name (sway app_id or X11 class)
sway-prep-xwayland prepare for Xwayland
sway-prop show apps properties (similar to xprop)
sway-run-or-raise focus an existing app or run it otherwise
sway-select-window use bemenu/rofi/wofi to go to a running app
sway-start startup sway from the console
sway-track-firefox watch firefox (and other apps) and bind Shift-Ins to paste PRIMARY selection
sway-track-prev-focus mark container with _prev for rapid switching between apps
myautotype Hot-keys using ydotool possibly looking up a key-value pair from ~/.config/myautotype
nmcli-rofi Wofi script to select wifi and VPNs with nmcli



If you have improvements, please post to r/swaywm

Criteria for inclusion (tentative):

  • it's on one of the source lists
  • it's mentioned on /r/swaywm
  • it's open source ie unencumbered by a restricted licence
  • it runs on linux
  • it adds something to the sway experience
sway/sway-apps.1612649419.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/06 15:10 by admin

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