Usage: refactor [OPTION...] [--] pattern [ subst ]
Do pattern and substitution on all files in sub-directories. If 'subst' is not
given then a 'camel case to underscore' replacement will be done eg CamelCase
-> camel_case. Does not touch .svn, 'cscope*', 'TAGS' or '*~' files. It's often
a good idea to use -n,--dryrun and copy, paste and modify the command before
running it manually.

  -c, --allc-files           only looks at *.[ch], *.cxx, *.hpp & *.cpp files
  -C, --c-files              only looks at *.c, *.cxx & *.cpp files
      --exclude=directory    exclude 'directory'
      --extension=ext        extensions to search ie *.$ext
  -H, --h-files              only looks at *.h files
  -j, --java-files           only looks at *.java files
  -m, --m4-files             only looks at *.m4 files
  -M, --make-files           only looks at *akefile* Minfo*.cfg files
  -n, --dryrun               dryrun
  -p, --python-files         only looks at *.py files
  -P, --partial              match on any occurance of 'pattern' ie don't add
  -s, --spec-files           only looks at *.spec files
      --shell-files          only looks at *.sh files
  -v, --verbose              be verbose
  -h, --help                 print this help message
  -V, --version              print version and exit