Usage: fs [OPTION...] [--] pattern [directory [...]] Uses find(1) and grep(1) to recursively search files for regular expressions. Ignores .svn .git nbproject .libs .deps CVS* directories and *~ TAGS #*# and cscope* files. Always applies -I (ignore binary files) and --colour. 'fs -n' is suitable as emacs' grep function. Options: -c, --c-files only looks at *.[ch] *.cpp *.cxx files -C, --context=lines print 'context' lines of context. Must be of type 'i'. Must be in the range '1:100'. --exclude-dir=directory exclude directory --extension=ext extensions to search eg .el -E, --extended-regexp use extended regular expression (as grep) -F, --fixed-strings use fixed strings (as grep) -H, --h-files only looks at *.h files -i, --ignore-case ignore case (as grep) -j, --java-files only looks at *.java files -l, --files-with-matches filename only (as grep) -L, --files-without-matches filename only: without match (as grep) -m, --m4-files only looks at *.m4 files -M, --make-files only looks at *akefile* *.mk files -n, --line-number prefix each hit with the line number (as grep) -p, --python-files only looks at *.py files -r, --ruby-files only looks at *.rb files -s, --spec-files only looks at *.spec files --shell-files only looks at *.sh files -v, --verbose be verbose -x, --xml-files only looks at *.xml files -h, --help print this help message -V, --version print version and exit Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.