Usage: backup-copy [OPTION...] [--] [repository] Backup interesting files as set in the config file. Simple usage: backup-copy # does a backup - put this in cron!! backup-copy -l # shows what backups are available backup-copy --delta :now -v # shows what's changed since last backup backup-copy -f /etc/passwd # show distinct versions of that file Details. Backups will go to: /backup-copy/$HOST/YYYY/MM/DD-hh_mm with in the form of either 'hostname:directory' or 'directory' (default is /var). 'directory' must already have a subdirectory 'backup-copy/$HOST' otherwise the --init option can be given to create it. If using a remote system as , you need to have the ssh key pushed to the remote for login without password. Environment parameters can be set in the config file as follows: MUST_BE_ROOT="yes" # to restrict to root (or "" or unset) DEFAULT_DESTINATION= # repository to use (overridden by a repository on the command line) TEST_FILE= # invariant inoded file to test consistency EXCLUDES= # list of rsync patterns to exclude INCLUDES= # list of rsync patterns to include EXPIRE= # remove backups older than this number of days KEEP_MONTHLY= # only keep one backup per month of anything older than this Options: -b, --brief On all diff operations, report only whether the files differ, not the details of the differences. -c, --config=config-file override the config file (the default is the first in the list: /home/bhepple/.config/backup-copy.achar /home/bhepple/.backup-copy.achar /home/bhepple/.config/backup-copy /home/bhepple/.backup-copy /etc/backup-copy) Default is '/etc/backup-copy'. -C, --check-links=dates don't backup - just check the backup tree ensuring that hard links are correct (this can be slow, particularly on a remote repository). The argument 'dates' is in the format '[first|last|prev|YYYY/MM/DD-HH_MM[,last|prev|YYYY/MM/DD-HH_MM]'. The dates may be wildcarded (with * and ?) but if two dates are specified, the first may not be wildcarded. The dates 'first', 'last' and 'prev' are expanded to the first, last and previous backup dates respectively. If only one date is given, then all files in the backup repository are compared to the files under that date directory. If two args are given then the comparison is between the first date directory and the second one(s) - but intermediate dates are not interpolated. eg to check the latest backup against the previous one, use 'prev,last'. Note that when duplicates are found then the new link is created using the first date directory as the base. --debug even more verbosity --delta=dates don't backup - just diff two backups. The dates are given as '[date1][,date2]' with a date in the format 'first|last|prev|now|YYYY/MM/DD-HH_MM' eg '2011/01/18-21_13,2011/01/26-21_13'. A blank date means the last (latest) backup. The dates 'first', 'last' and 'prev' are expanded to the first, last and previous backup dates respectively. A date of 'now' compares against the live system (this can be quite slow on a remote backup as the files must be downloaded before the diff is done. Fast on a local backup.) Thus to compare the live system with the latest backup use ',now'. You can get the list of available backups with the --list option. The number of files that differ is returned in the exit code. -D, --diff do a diff after the backup -f, --file-vers=file don't backup - just list the distinct versions of 'file' available in the repository with their sizes. Note that this isn't terribly useful if run on a directory or symbolic link. -H, --host=host override the host name. Default is 'achar'. -i, --init initialise repository if necessary -l, --list don't backup - just list the backups in the repository -n, --dryrun dry run - just print what would be done --progress show progress -q, --quiet be quiet -w, --warn warn about suspicious filenames -h, --help print this help message -V, --version print version and exit Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.